Sunday, August 30, 2009

The persistence of memories . . .

Today was an ideal day for a walk, so off to the lake I went. It was also a perfect day for a BBQ it would seem, for as I made my way around the lake the unmistakable aroma of a charcoal fire reached me and took me back to times past.

Many years ago, my father would pile the whole family into the car on days like today, as well as a cooler full of food, a bag of Kingsford and of course our trusty Habachi. We then head over to Schepaug park for a day playing in the water and of course a BBQ! He would vanish for most of the day into the bowels of the nearby iron mine looking for rocks.

So of course as I was walking around the lake, my senses transported me back to those lost, but not forgotten days in the water and sun at a road side park. Oddly enough, I lived on the shore of a lake growing up, but the real joy of playing in the water was there in the Schepaug river. I have some pictures of that spot at home, and when I get there, I'll post some of them. Hope you're all having a day of good memories . . . Charlie Pride is singing "Burgers and Fries" on the radio as I get ready to send this. It was fresh and new, playing on 1050WHN back in those days, somehow it's so appropriate right now . . .

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