Saturday, April 24, 2010

Decisions! Bah!!!

Mashing of teeth, pulling of hair, frustration sparks a confluence of anguish!

See here's the thing.  Couldn't ride today. Not at all.  Not even around the parking lot.  It's cold, wet, raining, dark and otherwise yucky!  And we're under a Tornado watch.  But I want to ride. I need to ride.  As it stands the earliest I'm going to get to ride is Wednesday!

So Jumper One needs another two hundred dollars of work.  She's completely drivable and safe, but she sounds like a Patrol Boat.  LOUD!  The pipe from the cat to the muffler is broken.  It's going to take me two months, maybe one if I really scrape, to get her repaired.  In the meantime I'm going to be limited to when and where I can ride because without the back pressure (I think that's what it's called) of the muffler she's sucking down gas like an addict.  Plus I don't want to risk someone having a bad day and deciding to give me a ticket for no muffler.  So aside from short trips to the supermarket, or over to the park to ride, I'm not going to be driving her much. Which means I'm not going to get to ride as much as I'd like.

Before the winter I MUST get an indoor trainer.  It's a mount that turns Serenity into an expensive indoor exercise bike.  But it means all winter long I'll be able to keep riding.  If I had one NOW, I'd be riding.  Raining yucky days wouldn't stop me.  Stick in a video and ride.

So here's the thing.  Do I wait a bit longer, get a mount first, so that days like this won't keep me from riding?   Or do I fix Jo first and have to wait a couple of extra months to get a trainer?  Months when it will rain and I won't be able to ride.


  1. Have you thought of patching it?

    Some of those patching kits can cover a lot of broken pipe!

  2. Yeah, I know, do the responsible, adult thing and work on the muffler first. Which means at least three months before I get a trainer... I feel like I've been mugged. But yeah, deal with the muffler or risk a ticket I can't afford...

    Which is why I've decided screw it, I'm not waiting... I'm going to both, within the next few weeks...

    After all, according to Jack O'Neill, where there's a will there's an or ... I mean way. More to follow...

  3. Well a patch kit means I have to get up under her and Futz with things myself. I'd just assume not. So I'm going to go with plan B. Yup, plan B, always works...

  4. Making one plan is bad enough, having a spare, wow!

    Caroline xxx

  5. Actually Plan B was something of an inside joke. General Jack O'Neill USAF was always saying "Yup, Plan B, works every time" when in fact there'd never been a plan a in the first place. Same old story, they'd go exploring, have a general idea what and how they were doing things, get in trouble, figure out this great way they were going to get out of it. Then that wouldn't work, they'd still be in trouble and he'd say, I think it's time for plan B, which of course they NEVER had. Then, when all was said and done, they were safe and the trouble behind them he'd say "Yup, Plan B, works every time!"

    So yeah, my plan B? Was the plan I came up with in the instant that my first "plan" went completely to shit and I realized it just wasn't going to work.

    Which I'm now going to turn into a separate blog post.


I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!