Friday, April 10, 2009

Cost Benefit Analysis of being green.

Most grocery stores these days sell reusable shopping bags for a very low cost. One brings them back and reuses them and gets a couple cents discount on their purchase. So what does that mean? Mean's I just carry them back, and my groceries get put in there instead of those flimsy plastic bags that get thrown away and fill up landfills. So they are a buck. At three cents back per bag, per trip, go grocery shopping 34 times and the bag was free. Plus you've avoided 34 plastic bags in landfills. There's also the cost of making those bags, printing them, shipping them and then putting them out at registers. It's a win for everyone involved.

There are more things that one can do, like energy efficient light bulbs, keeping your car tuned up, the tires properly inflated and so much more. You save money, and save the world a couple of cetns as a time.


  1. My wife bought tons of these reusable bags, and they come in quite handy for other things as well. I'm glad we're doing that!

  2. Sweetie and I have been using cloth bags for years. It has got to the point where if I'm out and I find I need something from a store and I don't have a cloth bag with me, I'll hesitate, because if there's any way to avoid one of those plastic bags, I will.

  3. Yeah, I'm doing every little bit I can. Children are outside my future at this point short of adoption of course, but I see no reason to trash the planet. Frankly I'm torn up by how much it's changed in just the last hundred years. So I'm being as frugal as possible.

  4. Right after I hit enter I realized I misspoke some. I have a small army of nieces, nephews and one sort of adopted daughter after a fashion and I don't want them to have to suffer. Plus all the children of folks who come through, like Pick and Jack, and so forth. So yeah, I want to do what I can to reverse damage, and minimize my impact on the resources of this pretty little world of ours.


I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!