Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving in the states...

I have a whole bunch to be thankful for this year, and am reminded of a Thanksgiving a bunch of years back at my sister Lynn's house. It was a whole bunch of us, packed into her house, and we had a great time. The newest edition to the family had just been born a few short days before hand, and we were all so thrilled to have everyone there. It was that last "decent" Thanksgiving I had with Earl. Mind you he was sick, in serious trouble health wise, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt even then, that it would be our last. I didn't spend the day then wrapped up in it being the end, and I choose not to remember it as a last, but a best.

Today too I choose not to dwell on that ending, but to focus on what was good, happiness, time with family and love in my sister's full house. It was a great day. Too much food, wine, laughter, fun, and people I treasure, then and now. It was a day to just let my hair down, or at least as much as I could then, and relax. It has left an everlasting bright spot in my heart that I'm thinking about today. That to this day many years later, I'm still Thankful for just as it was.

I'm just about to get cleaned up and head over to my namesake's house to have Thanksgiving dinner with family there and very much looking forward to it. I'm lucky and I know it. In stark contrast with many women in our community, I have friends and family to share the day with, and for this I'm thankful.

I'm also thankful for the community I've come to know somewhat, for the women in my life who've made it possible for me to have had, and continue to have, Thanksgivings where I really do let my hair down. So many people have touched my life, directly and indirectly, and I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for helping to make this day possible. It's going to be my fourth thanksgiving that I'm me, not a role I'm playing, and that means so much to me!

So, before I run, I want to say thanks to my family, far and near, for a great day. For being part of my life, making it richer, happier, and more fulfilled than I'd ever dreamed possible. It may not be a perfect life, but it is mine, and that means so much.

So thanks everyone! I love you all.

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