Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I can't believe this...

I'm more concerned about Prop 8 in California right now than the presidential race. I'm sitting here, for the first time in several lifetimes, really watching the news and the race. Right now, President Obama is up by a bunch right now, 200 to 90. I'm going to be up watching the race all night, and on the edge of my seat waiting for word about Prop 8. Everyone I know who lives there has either already voted NO, or is the process of doing it, but I'm still kinda focused on that.

To say that it has no impact on me because I live a bit more that two thousand miles would just be short sighted. It has an impact on everyone in the United States regardless of what they may think, and says a lot about the overall direction of people, and the country.

We need Prop 8 to be voted down. All of us, every last person in the country.

So I'm waiting with baited breath...

Regardless of who or what you vote for, please, if you haven't done it yet and you can, PLEASE VOTE!!!

History will be made tonight regardless of who wins. Record numbers of people are voting all across the country and I hope it is the beginning of a whole new level of participation by people of all ages...

In other news, I found, and read a wonderful book last night. Yeah, just last night. I was wondering the shelves of the local library and found a new "Star Trek" book ostensibly by Shatner, but in reality, ghosted by two of the oldest names in the franchise Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stephens. I've got to say, this was one of the best I've read yet. It was the story of Kirk and Spock meeting back when they were Teenagers. Literally. Kirk was 17 and Spock was 19, and it was an amazing and fun read. It's full title is "Star Trek Academy Collision" and a great read. About the only problem I had with it is it went really fast...


  1. I have to hope that last night's election will be the death nell of hate in politics. Prop 8 will be overturned because it is unjust, if not in the courts, then by other means.

    When I married 32 years ago I had to ask no one else's permissions or blessings; neither should anyone else!


  2. Sam, thank you for all of your support in the fight against Prop 8. Unless the large number of provisional ballots hold some unforeseen surprise, unofortunately the measure has passed. I'm guessing it will be overturned within a few years as the California Constitution also has plenty of provisions to stop sexual discrimination and to say that one person can marry Sue but another cannot based on sex/gender...

    Hey, I'm no Trekkie, but isn't Spock a hundred years older than Kirk? :P

    Take care and thanks again for throwing yourself into this, like you alluded to, this will only spread across the country and it will affect everyone. Prop 8, that is, not the Star Trek stuff...



I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!