Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yay!!! Finally, the powers that be . . .

. . .have added automatic blog spam comment catching!  So all those idiotic Chinese characters and sneaky hyperlinks go right into the trash!  I'm so happy!  Thank you Google!!!  So this is a short thank you and now it's time for me to catch some sky!


  1. Dear Samantha
    I wish I had your wisdom to sort out such a useful bit of technology.
    Peace be with you, my far away friend.
    Debbie x

  2. OK...tell me how you did it, girl!

    Calie xxx

  3. Wait. They weren't real fans??

    (How do you disable them? Please tell me, before I end up learning porn Chinese accidentally.)

  4. Oh Ange I adore you! Sorry I've not been over in a while, I've been biking like a maniac and not doing much blogging. Reading or writing, sorry about that...

    So the "secret" if you could call it that, is that you enable comment moderation and it now has a spam filter built into it... So many people where sending Google nasty grams about the psedo-sino comments that they finally did something about it.

    So while I'd love to courtsie, smile and bask in the admiration of adoring fans for being so smart, this shall not be the time, for I have done nothing. Google mana rained down on all of us! Do I get points for noticing? :) I can do that!


I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!