Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The things that run through my head while . . .

. . .fixing lunch. "Fixing" leads to Decious which I immediately realize is wrong because that's the name of the Romulan War Bird Admiral Picard and Ambassador Tomolak show up in during one episode of ST:TNG. So my mind goes looking for the right word I was looking for, that also happens to be of Latin derivation, which is the name of Shane Falco's boat in "The Replacements:" "Fixious" which means "in the fight." Having made my sandwhich and not wanting to stand at the counter to eat it, the thought "Ego indeo navo locus" prompts me to move into the dinning room to eat. "Ego indeo navo locus" is very old latin for I need a new location. And makes me think of my crazy sister-in-law yelling at Daniel Jackson from SG-1 for having to look-up Locus because it's so obvious in the episode "Fifth Race" that Jack means location. Eating lunch alone? Hardly, after all I've got Riker, Picard, Tomolok, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c and my SIL with me. So much for a quiet lunch alone. . .

1 comment:

  1. Re-reading this now a few days later, I sound like a bit of a loon. At the time it all made sense, and it still sort of does, just, well, I sound nuts. Which happens to go with the day I'm having today . . .


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