Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Busty McBabbles to split the GOP?

Ok, this is going to be shortish, but to the point. ish. Meh.

Back when I had Jumper One in the shop and I was freaking out that my Ten year old car was toast, I saw several hours of Sarah Palin babbling about QUITING her job. Not only was she not going to run for re-election, she wasn't going to finish this term. Thank God! Now before I go casting stones I'm going to admit straight up I've been known to babble. Get me nervous, scared, or whatever, and in very little time at all folks will be calling me Brooke.

As in babbles like . . .

So today while reading some tripe about Sarah Palin's determiniation to split the republican party, two things happened. One I nearly peed my self laughing, and two the new nickname for the Red Dame who can see Russion from her house just sprang unbidden into my head:

"Busty McBabbles"

Because the second she goes off the prompter, well it's all over. She'll babble on for days. "Let's cut to tape! Quick, before she says something truely idiotic. Oops, too late."

So like I was saying, I know another babbler when I see one. I've seen one. Sarah Palin.

At any rate (short post eh Samantha?) she's got this plan you see, to bring the party back to supremacy! She's going to weed out all the trash and the liberals, and the Republicans will be back in power.

Let me assure you folks, the flying pigs are fleeing for thier lives, because those cute, flying, firebreathing, donkey-dragons from the end of Shrek II have it in their head to have some bacon. Face it folks, the pigs have flown. And that boat Sarah Palin is on? Well it sailed back before I was born in 1890. Lincoln, a Republican back in the days when the party hadn't been over-run by right wing nut jobs, had tried to bring about political reform and argued passionatly and logically, that two political parties of such scope and power, do not a true representative democracy make. No-one was buying it then, and aside from the American people, no-one is going to buy it now. The independent party is, statistically, and politically, largly only good at diluting the system enough to cast doubt, but is otherwise insignificant. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but it's a simple mathematical reality folks don't seem to want to face.

The Repblican's have no interest in breaking up the Grand Ole Party, because at least for a time, it would mean real power for the Democrats, and amusingly enough, the Democrats are just fine with the Republican party because it's better an enemy you know. Plus the simple fact is, it wouldn't be long before they split if the Republican's did for no other reasons than believing they could align themselves with the more liberal/conservative splinters of the GOP to form, wait for it, another Two Party system.

Short of formal, constitutionally mandated campign and libbying finance reforms that in essence put an end to lobbying as it exists today, we will never see real government of the people, by the people, for the people in the United States.

So, Busty McBables can just wander off with the idiots at big oil and do whatever they wish, she's already proven herself irrelevant, now she's simply working on stupid. Big Oil, well they are on a very short leash as was shown last summer. They lost BILLIONS of dollars when the price of gas passed $4.00 in terms of the national average in May of last year alone. People, businesses, spoke by just not driving. The already trashed economy only got worse, and it was perfectly obvious they weren't helping.

Want real change? Close Wall Street, or dramatically curtail it's impact buy limiting it opportunities to buy on margin . . .

Oh, wait, that ship sailed too. I remember in great and horrifying detail the FIRST great depression . . . How and why it really happened and the changes put in place to prevent THAT from ever happening again. Worked amazingly well didn't it? The Wall Street jokers and the conservatives worked together to get around that little "restirction" and they could once again play with money and things that didn't even exist yet. Buying and margin became a fine art, and the old boys club worked up some sweet deals to keep playing God. And then it all went horribly wrong. We're all still feeling it, suffering, and they get BILLIONS in bailout money and a "Oops, now boys you have to be more careful."

So the second depression stretches on, but now the entire world is suffering. Good job there.

As long as there are two parties in the world, not just the US, there will be no true representaive democracy. And for those who wish to pic nits, the US is in fact a Republic that has spend the last two hundred plus years proving Capatalism as practiced here, doesn't work.

There are two parties, the Haves and the Have Nots. 90+% of the worlds resources are owned and controlled by the HAVES, and the rest of us are killing ourselves to try and get of peice of the action. However, like Prometheus dying by day, we only revive ourselves anouth by night, to repeat the same cycle again the next day. Only two things in life are said to be certain, death and taxes. Soon as they can figure out how to fix that problem in the system, the IRS will abolish death. You laugh, but they have people working on it now.

This is Cassandra speaking for "Forward Views," the only News from Tomorrow, Today . . .


  1. The world summed up in a nutshell...

    G.B. Shaw saw this coming so many years ago, as have many others, yet we continue down the slaughterhouse chute!


  2. Yup, the more thins change, the more they stay the same. Me I'm just content to sit on the side and watch the herd go by lest I get caught up in the flow. Ove the century I've been seriously paying attention to them the words Liberal, Moderate and Conservative have shifted so much and so often as to have lost any meaning whatsoever. So too for the terms Republican and Democrat. Can't keep track even with a score card and program so why try eh? I voted this time based on some simple things, like the way someone spoke and behaved of script. When they are just folk, not puppets for some "brilliant" writers and producers. I looked for body language, and facial expressions, where the eyes went. I'm kind of a human lie detector much of the time, as Our beloved Triple H once said "I can smell a lie like a fart in a car" in "Pump Up The Volume. So I voted based on that.

    Like JFK in 1960, I respected the fact that President Obama is young, has a solid family, and hasn't been in the game as long. It, he, gives me hope.

    So I wait, I watch, and I pray that I'll know when things are improving or it will be time to assume crash positions and kiss my hind goodbye.

    I do my part, when and where I can, and otherwise stay out of the way. I'm hoping one day I'll wake up dead. Quiet, simple, middle of the night, in my own bed in my own home, without life prolonging machines and staff I can't afford and don't want.

    Shaw was, is and always be brilliant. And way ahead of his time. Thanks Alan,


  3. Busty McBables, Now that is just funny.

    Hiya Sam, How've ya been?

  4. Is this who I think it is? Been trying to get a hold of you but the mail keeps getting bounced. What's a good address for you? I'm pretty good, how about you? How are things at Sony and the like? Drop me a note, we can catch up some.

  5. I have been writing you an email for the last couple of days want the first installment? (The silly thing is getting away from me and is turning into a short story) A lot has happened in the last 6 months.

  6. Yes, please, by all means send me what you've got and we can go from there. That way I can start working on a reply, while you work on the rest. It's not like you'd be the first person I exchange long running serialized e-mail with. ;-o)

  7. Hello from the 9th level of Boredom

  8. Oh look, I can see you now! Awesome! You're making real progress girl, more power to you!

  9. As to Busty McBables being funny, it took me a full hour or so to stop laughing enough to write that post. I'm so glad I'm not laughing alone on this one!


I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!