Monday, October 20, 2008


So I'm watching "The Sarah Chronicles" and they are talking about Fear, how on a bad day it can keep you alive.

Left unsaid is that when you live in fear, it takes all the good days from you. There are no good days because fear is running your life. Fear is your life, it is all you know, you eat, sleep, drink and become fear. It's not even like it's a choice. It's not something you do on purpose, you don't even think about it. It takes over your life slowly, inexorably, and without care or concern for you. It's like a drug, one that will take your life away from you like any other.

Funny the things that click in your mind when you watch TV.

So, a positive note. Another group I'm on was talking about fun things to do. And pointed to a blast from the past:

It's so much fun now that I never had back then. So I'm gonna be doing it for a while!



  1. "Sarah Connor" is without a doubt one of the best written, directed and photographed series I've ever seen on television.

    Seeing that clip makes me wonder how many other things I missed before VCR's came along...


  2. Yeah, technology can be good, as long as it doesn't lead to Skynet! This is a great show, and despite having some issues with it, I still love to watch it now that I again can watch TV... Though now that I've made the switch to DTV I have to figure out how to teach my equipment to play nice together to record things again... I use my computer as my VCR, but it can't change the channels at the right times anymore with the DTV box in the works, so I have to figure out something new... I'll figure it out...

    Anyway, yes, "Sarah Conner Chronicles" is some great work, all though I'm starting to think there are too many terminators running around. Like all the Nano-ones... How many machines does it take to kill one child and his Mom? Sounds like a joke. And now the one machine that's created and AI who's questioning the meaning of life? Doesn't bode well for Skynet...

    Deus Ex Machina is all I have to say baby... You heard it here first...


I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!