Tuesday, May 27, 2008

As promised...

...before and after side by side...

<br /> You will need a fairly current version of Macromedia Flash to see these images<br />

...not the best pictures in the world, but great for contrast.


  1. Wow! That's an amazing difference. Of course, the beard adds to the difference, but even so, it's dramatic. And very hopeful!

  2. Yes, I've been very blessed. Honestly I grew the beard and mustache in self defense, whithout I looked like I was 12. When Earl and I got married I had the beard, and he swore he hated beards, but said if I ever shaved he'd divorce me. He'd never seen me without it.

    When things got so bad that I started thinking about divorce, I shaved as a way of saying to him that I was in that much pain. He looked at me and said; "Oh dear god! You're TWELVE!!!"

    So I too started in a kind of "pretty boy" state, and HRT has been very, very good to me. The face is mine, the breasts are mine, and the big, muscular upper body mass is gone and everything that means.

    Below the waist I've been equally blessed. Hips and but I never had, and had no hope of ever having. Or so I thought. Fat migration and changes to my musculature have been a real blessing. I've got a really nice hourglass shape, and once I lose some weight, I'll have a great hip to waist ratio...

    So, long story short, it can and does happen... It just takes time...



I would love to hear what you think, so go right ahead. You know you want to!